Elisabeth can't watch half a DVD these days (yes, we've been employing the electronic babysitter a lot, on account of I'm a bad mom) before she gets really bored and starts punching buttons. Occasionally she finds the right combination to turn it the DVD off and turn the TV on (which is usually tuned to something like CNN which they don't really like much), but if she doesn't, both girls get all pissed off and start diversionary tactics like hair-pulling.
Catherine will then wander off and start playing with some toy like the ring stacker or a puzzle. Except when she can't get a piece to fit she will pitch a little fit and squeal and throw the piece and the big wooden puzzle halfway across the room. Or slam it into a piece of furniture or my leg. She's not doing well these days in her anger management lessons.
One bright note - we're still really worried about Elisabeth not talking and I end up coaching her on words every meal, and every time we do just about anything. Which must get really annoying for her, I'm sure. Most of the time she'll just babble some nonsense sounds and that will be as close as she can get. But yesterday when she wanted the Elmo video I got her to say "Moe". And when we arrived in the minivan in St. Michaels yesterday she said, all by herself, "Home!" Yay!! I think I might have to buy her an obnoxious little Elmo doll to celebrate.
I did an hour on the bike trainer last night watching CSI and Without A Trace which seemed like ten hours. FINALLY got through it! Why does an hour on the bike outside seem like nothing and inside it takes forever??
Hooray for "Moe" and "Home!" It's progress!
I hear you about the trainer ride feeling MUCH longer. I think it's because we're all antsy to be outside in the sunshine, not cooped up in the house.
I'm still thinking about Steelhead. It would be a fun race, but there's lots of financials that would be involved. It'll depend on if we renew our lease, if I can afford it, and if BF and I can get the days off work to go.
maybe she just doesn't have anything to say.... keep working with her and soon you will not be able to stop her.
I am warmed to know that one of her first words is my son's nickname.
Ahh yes the terrible twos and the tempertantrums. Oh joy. Nancy, I guarantee you that Elizabeth will indeed talk, and that someday you will indeed wish she didn't-- probably after she completely humiliates you in public. My 16 year old daughter was kind enough to point out my sweaty @ss print on the weight machine seat to the entire gym the other night. My oldest son had a speach delay. We started with signing... "more" and "help" I believe. He was in speach therapy until 3rd grade, progress was slow, but he got there, and now, oy vay, gimme a gag.
Maybe your house is in some kind of Rift in Space-Time Continuum. It happens in my trainer too :)
One min feels like an hour.
two terrible twos?? Yikes!
Just wait until they hit three. Then they'll weigh more when they throw themselves around in fits, and they'll have reasoning behind their "no's." I find Ash is much more difficult to manage as a three year old. I can't wait until he's four!
Maybe it's a GOOD thing, then, that they're still so tiny! Catherine is about 26 pounds and Elisabeth probably only about 22! Like at the 5% line on the growth curve.
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