Ten points to the winner. Grand reveal in the Monday update.
Bzzzzzt! Time's up! No winners today, although we had some very close guesses! It wasn't even my girls' fault, THIS TIME.
It's the plastic top to the butter dish, which happened to have seated itself on the stovetop at some point in time before I was pre-heating the oven. I wondered what that plastic smell was. . . . fortunately it didn't melt and drip all over the burners, uh, like the plastic paper towel holder did! This is the butter dish that I just got a couple months ago to replace the broken glass one. Sigh. Maybe I'm just not a butter dish person. I can't be trusted with anything past the paper wrapper. Actually part of the problem is a severe counter space shortage, so the stove gets recruited into use in that role frequently.
to me it looks like a slightly melted piece of plastic, probably off of a lamp or light of some sort.
like what happens when something covers up a nightlight, or similar.
I KNOW it has something to do with your kids...let's see...packaging that once held cookies of some sort and then it was put in some type of heater, or microwave!
That looks like the remains of a previously happily filled sleeve of girl scout cookies. Mmmmm, cookies...
It looks like one of those ice/heat packs with liquid inside that you can heat up in the microwave or put in the freezer. Maybe it was in the microwave too long?
Yeah, I'd say it looks like a Girl Scout cookie wrapper too. Maybe Thin Mints? Mmmmm Thin Mints......
Or maybe I've been eating too many Girl Scout cookies lately...
I am guessing that it is a melted "ice cube tray for camel-back type" ice cubes...
DId I get it?
hey, slightly melted piece of plastic was correct!
: )
OK, 5 points to everyone who guessed it was a melted plastic object. :-)
Oooh, Nancy - what kind of melted plastic object, you tease you! :)
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