The first day of preschool was today. It was a little rough. She was crying when we left her there and collapsing in a heap on the floor. The teacher arrived and whisked her away fast enough that I didn't have time to get choked up about how my little baby is all grown up now. Catherine and I left, and took a shopping trip to Walmart and bought fun things like Elmo slippers and Teletubbies videos, both of which Elisabeth should like. We even had a few extra minutes to split a McDonald's Happy Meal (but NO, that won't be a daily occurrence!) and even saved half the fries and the toddler toy for Elisabeth to have later.
When we picked her up she was wearing the change of clothes that we had brought, which I understand is never a good sign. She was kind of red-eyed and the teacher said she had been crying off and on during the day. She did get one good grade for sitting on the toilet, but her outfit got dumped in the bowl in the process so she had to be changed. Then apparently they had a fire drill during the 2.5 hours she was there, which couldn't have been much fun dragging a bunch of crazed three-year-olds outside and back in again, let alone one who collapses when she doesn't want to walk in the same direction that you happen to be headed. So Elisabeth got homework her very first day: More work on walking next to an adult without collapsing and insisting on being carried.
Yes, Elisabeth is carrying this Empress thing a little too far. The bearers of her imperial sedan chair have gone on strike and she's going to have to walk on her own two little feet in the future.
I asked her if she liked school, and (to my surprise) she nodded yes, and then I asked her if she liked her teacher, and she nodded yes again. It's never clear if she actually understood the question, but at least she said she liked it. I expect she'll be unhappy at dropoff time for at least the first week or two, though.
Hopefully the remainder of her formal education will proceed a teensy bit more smoothly.
well, she's gotta learn at some point! Her days will get better - as will yours.
It will get better. I remember taking my daughter to school. Oh the tears!!! All mine:)
I feel that way when I go to work some days...
The good news is it really will get better and this is the first real step towards her growing independence.
She'll be smiling before you know it!
We went through first-day-of-preschool transition last week. It's amazing how fast they grow up! Best of luck with the new routine, I'm sure she's going to grow to love it.
Good luck with that walking thing, too. She'll learn it's more fun getting around on her own, although sometimes I wish someone would carry me.
Awe! That's tough on you and her. Hang in there.
You mean the fact that your daughter was standing there wasn't proof enough that she was, in fact, born? That could lead to an entire political rant, so I'll just stop there.
And I think a split Happy Meal with half the fries being preserved for another might fit into your calorie expenditure for the week. I had a sweet roll, this morning (oh, the horror).
Oh, she'll be pissed that she doesn't get to go to school on the weekends soon enough.
Cool! Pretty soon she'll like having new playmates, and it'll be more fun. At least, that's one theory!
And maybe she'll catch on from watching the other kids that walking by herself is more fun than being dragged, particularly during fire drills! :-p
My "baby" only goes to school once a week and last week he was fine. Today when I dropped him off some other kid was having a freak out and that sent mine crying and screaming. The teacher told me to leave and last I heard was him screaming "ma" "ma" and flinging his body against the door they had to close so he wouldn't escape.
I know it will get better, but it tears your heart out.
If Elisabeth nodded "yes" when you asked if she liked school and her teacher, then she liked them. I've been with Elisabeth enough to know that when she nods "yes" she means "yes," and if she means "no" she will shake her head "no." She understood the question and answered "Yes." Not to worry!
so sorry you had a rough day (we always have tougher times than the kids -- trust me on that -- they're WAY more resilient than we are!). Elder Child calls the DinoBoy "Pretty Princess" when he insists on being carried; it bothers him, but not so much that he won't put up with it in exchange for being toted around.
YOU did great at her first day of preschool too! Coming from a former 2, 3 and 4 year old preschool teacher, drop offs are often the worst part of the day and most often parents make it even harder! You did great to get out of there fast! And it WILL get better really soon...
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