Wednesday, November 07, 2007


You'll rarely hear anything good about being self-coached in the triathlon world, principally because there are so many coaches out there hawking their services. (This is not to say there aren't good or even great coaches out there, because there are. I know several.) People who have spent a lot of money on coaching rarely want to say that they wasted both their time and money doing something they could have done themselves, as well.

Frank Shorter (self-coached two-time Olympic marathoner) has a refreshing take on coaching himself that is well worth the click to read.


LBTEPA said...

I really like this!
And OF COURSE you need that jacket.

Fe-lady said...

Thanks for article link...we LOVE Frank and his philosophies! (Hence why I am NOT getting a coach for IM CDA!- I am my own worst enemy!)

Brent Buckner said...

Good read.

Vickie said...

I recently read this while struggling to decide whether I really needed any coaching. The thing that caught my eye this time, now that I have been running longer again, is his idea of only running 2 hours if you want to do a marathon or 20 miles if you are serious. Ha! Two hours gets me about 10 miles. I guess I would be forced to run the 20 miles whether I was serious or not if I wanted to do a marathon!