Tuesday, June 05, 2007

First day of summer vacation

School is done for the year for Elisabeth as of yesterday afternoon! She's a preschool graduate! So both of the girls are going stir crazy already.

So far today they've:
  • Woken me up at 6AM
  • Squabbled about 18 times
  • Peed in their Big Girl Panties 3 times
  • Torn their lunch sandwiches apart and thrown everything but the meat on the floor
  • Thrown blocks at each other
  • Insisted on putting on their old Hallowe'en costumes
  • Played in the bathroom sink and got aforementioned Hallowe'en costumes soaking wet
  • Poured half a bottle of mouthwash (with a "childproof cap") down the drain
  • Wrote in marker all over the bedroom walls
  • Driven Mommy nuts
Good thing the babysitter is arriving in a few minutes and I can go run.

Update: The run worked! Well, it worked to give me a sanity break for an hour and get my perspective and patience refreshed a bit. Didn't do a thing for their behavior. Tonight the main problem was the girls insisting on working the crank on our new patio umbrella. Up and down, up and down. Finally I had to fasten it down in one position with a computer tie.


rachel said...

aiy! I don't envy you your summer!

LBTEPA said...

sorry, I couldn't help laughing. Good luck!

21stCenturyMom said...

Oh My Word - shall we put a call in to that TV Nanny person who uses the pip pip accent to say "Someone's been nauh-tee". Maybe she could at least slow them down for you!

Iron Pol said...

So, what did they do AFTER 8 a.m.

We're going through the underwear thing with our son. The other night, I asked him several times to sit on the potty (as it was bedtime). He said he didn't have to go. About 30 seconds after the final request, he walked up and very proudly stated, "I don't have to sit on the potty. I peed in my pullup."

I threw the rest in the trash.

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

iron pol figured out the pullups thing fast. pullups = potty training disaster in the making.

NancyNancy, sounds like those babies need a real job! Make them earn their keep.

I suggest you make 'em balance your checkbook for you.

Doris said...

You must have the patience of a saint - golly those two sound really rather boisterous! Looking forward to having a laugh (at your expense) at your summer stories!! GOOD LUCK!

jbmmommy said...

I can relate, we ate dinner with Superman and Spiderman last night. The Halloween costumes from last year are getting a bit small, though. Last week we lost our laptop- a casualty of the 2-year old. Good times.

m said...

ahh....the sink. The best toy in the house. That and the kitchen knives with my 3 year old.

A good run will cure all types of stress.