Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Still having endless computer problems. Managed to break the modem again last night so today I have to drive 50 miles round-trip to exchange it.

But! I have a new laptop now, birthday gift from my husband. It's beautiful, a Dell Inspiron E1505. I love it. I hope not to break it very quickly. . . .

I have to, have to get everything running right for this weekend so I can watch Dave and Chuck become Ironmen at Coeur d'Alene!!


Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Happy Birthday! Did I read that right?

21stCenturyMom said...

How is Dave??

This is a big triathlon weekend and I will be partying in the heartland.

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

You have clearly managed to piss off the computer gods.

Do this: get an old Pentium chip and a router cable. Set them on a printer box under a flourescent light and pour a can of Mountain Dew over them. Then burn a Windows manual (any version, but preferably 2000 or later), and sprinkle the ashes while begging mercy of the computing gods.

I swear it will be just as effective as anything tech support does for us here!