Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Summer artwork

I try to find fun things to do around the house for the girls. The other day it was painting with washable "sidewalk paint" on the deck. Fortunately they're non-toxic.

I took the day off from working out and instead did a little art project of my own today - a couple of quick 30-45 minute plein air pastel sketches while the girls were in camp. I haven't used pastels for many, many years so I'm trying to get back into practice with use of color, form, layering, and blending in landscapes. I have no deep blue pastels and I was feeling the lack and had to improvise! The didn't photograph very well, but that's fine, they were just practices to get accustomed to the medium again.


21stCenturyMom said...

Nice job matching the paints to the girls outfits. Not that they were 'coloring in the lines' or anything. They must have been in heaven. Don't forget to explain that those metal cans full of paint in the garage will NOT be so much fun ;-)

Your pastels look great to me.

Julia said...

I love that the paints match their clothes.

Wishing I could draw, unfortunately I never ever tried.