Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pool fun

Summer is drawing to a close. Our YMCA summer day camp is over, school is quickly approaching. There won't be many more sweet days playing in the outdoor pools this year, since they'll close after Labor Day! We're enjoying them while we can!


Kewl Nitrox said...

That pool looks so inviting. My only problem with bringing the boys for a swim is that it take forever to get them out! :-)

That "edible art" looks delicious! Your girls are blessed indeed.

Fe-lady said...

Water nymphs...! Adorable! I love kiddie pools...I bet you are just about the only mom in there with the kids! :-)

Nancy Toby said...

How did you know!!?? Pisses me off when some parents sit around OUTSIDE the fence and leave their toddlers (like 2-year-olds) in the kiddie pool, and never even glance their way. That's when I pack up and leave, I'm not there to be their freakin' babysitter!!

But otherwise we have a great time there!

:) said...

Dang they are getting big.