Here's the RV we're renting starting on Saturday, which will take my family to Michigan and me to the
Steelhead 70.3 triathlon. We've temporarily christened it the "Queen Mary", since I'm sure that driving it is going to feel like piloting an ocean liner.
It's eight feet longer than
the one we previously rented, but I'm hoping that the extra room will make us a lot more comfortable.
Yes, I will try to post updates from the road, although my internet connection will be sporadic at best. (As will my ability to type on the laptop without several little fingers punching at the keyboard and trying to "play").
Now to get all my triathlon gear packed. . . .
Luxury camping at it's best eh??
Aye aye, capitan!
How many people are you picking up along the way?
Wow, that is a beast! I'm sure you and the family will have a blast.
Are you going to be drive the Queen Mary? Does it go beeep-beeep--beep when you back up like a school bus?
What camp ground are you staying at? My family and I are going to camp out next weekend as well.
Which bedroom does Buttercup get?
Wow...I would really hit curbs trying to navigate that around a corner! (I do it in my van all the time!) Who is driving this thing? Does one need lessons before they allow it our of the parking lot?
Have a great race by the way!
At the rental place they give you a briefing on all the systems before you leave, but otherwise you just ... go! My husband and I pretty much split the driving. You do have to watch for the tail end swinging around when you turn!
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