Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ellie arrives today!

Yay! Iron Ellie arrives today! She's going to visit for a few days, do the aquathlon with me, and grind me under her boot heel during some "easy" training sessions (for her).

It's all good.

Maybe she'll housebreak my children, too. Cool!

Will blog when we have time. Is drunk blogging worse than drunk dialing, I wonder?


Brooke said...

Drunk dialing is definately worse, but drunk blogging is soooo much funnier.

Fe-lady said...

Are you mixing vodka with your Gatorade or something??
Say "Hi" to Ellie and have a blast-but stay sober during the race, OK?

:) said...

You two have fun.

Bolder said...

ooooh, drunk bloggin'...

say 'hi' to ellie for me too!

Nancy Toby said...

Hi, guys, I'm here and having a really cool time :-)

Nancy Toby said...

Um, that would be Ellie in the previous comment, posting from my computer.