Thursday, May 10, 2007

Yum yum!

Hooray! I'm happy!

Now I truly adore the small town that we live in - an old shipbuilding town on a Chesapeake Bay tributary that is now full of great shops and restaurants and even a winery. But the one thing it always lacked was any kind of non-American cuisine. Well, except for one little French bistro, but that doesn't count as very "ethnic" with me.

Yay! A little shop advertising "Chinese Food" is opening in the strip mall along the highway about a mile from my house, right next to the local branch of our YMCA that is opening there this summer.

Woot! I can go over and lift weights and pick up some lo mein and General Tso chicken on the way home! Gawd, I sure hope they can actually COOK.

And then there's a new Italian ice place a couple blocks away in the other direction, too!

Simple pleasures. . . .


Holly said...

Mushi Pork is my weakness.....

Comm's said...

Man oh man that stuff is the staple of life, as long as the staple only lasts ya know.. for an hour.

Unknown said...

Mmmm. General Tso's chicken. Hot and sour soup. The ideal decongestants!

I'm glad to hear you will have easier access!

Nancy Toby said...

Ooooh, I didn't even THINK of hot and sour soup! YUM!!

I'm going to be in a state of chronic sodium overload when it opens!

Sandy said...

If they can make a good Mushi Chicken then consider yourself lucky! Please let me know if the can cook, I only work a few minutes away....