Even though I miss my girlfriends (from left: Dawn, Holly, Linae, Shawn, Ellie, Dianne, and Kathy). . . .

It's good to be back beside the peaceful waters at home.

Where every puddle is meant for jumping. . . .

And mud has strangely magnetic qualities. . . .

And every mountain is meant to be climbed. . . .

And everything is new. . . .

And slides are meant for trying to get hurt on.

I love that last photo!
You really need to submit your photos into a contest or something, you have a really good eye!!
Playgrounds are the best, aren't they? We're so lucky to be enjoying some unseasonably warm weather on the east coast, so we're taking advantage, too. The boys are always happy to head outside- I don't think my exercise is ever that fun. Great shots of the girls. Enjoy!!
A perfect end to your journey! :)
I miss taking my kids to the playground... Do you slide too? I always did. One January I got stuck in a horizontal tube in all my snowgear and snow boots. The kids still laugh about trying to push and/or pull me out.
The simple things in life are just the best!
very nice perspective...from a child's point of view, everything makes perfect sense!
Love the photos, as always!
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