The geese are getting their workouts over a few thousand miles. It's just getting to the time of year here where there is a long skein of them overhead almost any time you look at the sky, flapping and honking away. Sometimes you even hear them pass overhead in the middle of the night.
Ellie was back running today, and so was I. My legs have been weird and my knees achy - I suppose they're getting to like this long layoff and telling me they want it to continue indefinitely. Sorry, you two slackers! Out the door you go and onto the track! Only 9 laps today before it got dark, and the first 2 or 3 felt positively awful. But then I warmed up and my knees stopped hurting and it just felt the normal, regular old amount of awful.
Ellie sent me a couple links relevant to our discussions here of late:
A dietician who also believes in real food for real triathletes - but she talks about healthy stuff like Kashi and spinach when I'm thinking Tater Tots.
Also a nice summary of P.I.S.S. - Post Ironman Stress Syndrome. Only they don't call it that, exactly.
My husband brought Buttercup and my big red duffle bag back here tonight, so my bike is finally home after doing her job well in Florida. Good girl, Buttercup! I'll put the pedals back on in the morning and take her out again for 50-60 miles with my training buddy David and another local triathlete, Chuck, who are both getting ready for Ironman Coeur d'Alene next June. Here we go again!
We're also all doing a 10K at my YMCA next Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. If today's run was any indication, I'll start out stiff and stay slow, but be happy to be outside and in motion in the crisp autumn air.
Welcome back!
It must be a day of "back to running" again. Feels good too.
I love your acronym P.I.S.S!!! Regarding the post race blues, I wonder if they are more severe if the race experience is unsatisfactory. I DNF'd at an Olympic distance earlier this year. It was a huge letdown, and I alternated between being depressed and very angry for weeks. I'm now aware of that in the future; if I DNF a race, I'm quite moody afterwards. Perhaps along with the ironman's website of laying in a supply of extra healthy "recovery food" one should lay in mixins' for margaritas.
i love PISS, too!! This quote was especially helpful to me today: "Once you've met your goal and need less from it, the body responds by shutting down to recuperate"
That explains a few things for me.
Welcome back.
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