How sick is it that
I'm totally indifferent to clothes and jewelry and makeup these days, but I can really get excited that
my new Felt handlebar tape just arrived? Now I can go replace it on the place on Buttercup where it got shredded a little bit when I laid her down accidentally on the asphalt when I, uh, forgot to clip out.
A happy bike is a trustworthy bike.
Forgetting to clip out...everyone does it. And it is OK to do it - ONCE.
But never ever admit to doing it again.
Nice looking tape, BTW. As far as tapes goes towards being nice looking anyways.
You have your priorities straight, that's all!
Woot! What color did you get and:
That's the attitude, Flatman!
Black, just replacing it the way it was. I probably won't get around to actually doing it until next week, though.
You are a girl after my own heart!
Bike stuff makes me drool!
oh how can I relate...I have spent far more on gear in the past year than I have on clothes for myself -- if you don't count trail shoes, wicking sport tops, running shorts, swim suits, etc.
Glad I am not the only one obsessed with neat handlebar tape.
Aaargghhhh! The HORROR! You laid Buttercup down?
Oh well, I laid The Pol-R Express down within the first 10 miles of owning it. Stupid chain.
Black is the only way to go with the yellow bike. And I still want your yellow tires.
I can so relate to you! I am waiting on some new running shoes ... I love new GEAR!
As Flat said.we need pics of ur bike w/ the new tape :)
wow - you forgot to clip out? um.. I've never heard of that.... really! That wound on the back of my right calf that looks like a bike gear - total co-inkydink.
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