I just ran 3.13 miles around the neighborhood in 30:30 with no warmup, which gives me hope that I may have a fair chance of chipping a little time off
that way old 30:26 5K PR in my race this coming Saturday. Then again, it might involve my Nemesis, hills. . . .

Nice run! Goodluck in your race!
The hairstyle's helping!
Ha! Less hair to carry around, red... yeah! Go me!!
sweet! hills are your friends!
and i JUST read that losing 6 oz from your shoes can chop 10 sec off your 5k time.
it was in runner's world, so it must be true.
the moral? run barefoot.
Way to go! Looks like those speed workouts are starting to pay off.
I say, go get ya some cowbell and have fun!
Stay tuned...
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