Sunday, February 10, 2008

Buying a little more speed

I just ordered one of these aero helmets for my 2008 season. Maybe it will only give me a psychological boost, but every little bit helps! I can't afford the psychological boost of race wheels yet, so I'll settle for this for less than 1/10th of the price.

Besides, I can't leave Geekgirl out there feeling geeky all by herself as the only RocketAir-propelled Athena in triathlon.

Maybe I ought to think about actually riding my bike a little, too, huh? I got in a swim today - a whopping 100 yards when we took the girls to the pool to make up for the lesson Catherine missed yesterday because of my race.

I just ordered one of these toys, too. Just so I wouldn't get lost going to race starts, of course. My training buddy David used one in the car yesterday when I drove and it was impressively slick, even for someone with a pretty good sense of direction.

I should have bought Garmin stock way back when. . . .


Unknown said...

one of my best purchases EVER was my nuvi. It is absolutely awesome. And I love to hear her talk, especially when I don't follow her directions. You can almost hear her sigh before she says "Recalculating..."

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

My favorite part of the Garmin thingy is when you don't turn the way it says, in a petulant voice, "recalculating..." You can almost hear the sigh.

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Holy cow. J-wim and I were thinking the exact same thing. Bizarre!

S. Baboo said...

You are gonna love that lid! It is very, very can actually feel the speed wafting over you.

Rainmaker said...

Your becoming a GPS addict. Next thing ya know you'll be duct taping GPS devices onto your kids. Although when they get older it may not be such a bad idea.