Saturday, January 06, 2007

A rare day in January

It was gray when David and Bill and I started out at 8AM this morning from David's house, but it was over 60*F. The clouds gradually broke up and it turned into an absolutely gorgeous day. We had a great ride over 32 miles of Talbot County backroads, venturing north over the border into the next county. There were even some hills en route - who knew there were hills around here!?!

Forecasted high over 70*F later this afternoon!!


SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

That's gorgeous!!!!

Charles said...

Enjoy it while you can. It was 37 this morning at the track and I live in California!! Maybe I need to move back to the East Coast again. :-)

*jeanne* said...

It was WAY TOO HOT for the DC Roadrunners 10-miler up in KenGar. Snowball Series race indeed. ("indeed" as in "My foot!" - hey, does anyone else actually use that expression?)

It was a glorious day for bulb-planting, PICNICS, walks, yardwork...

Barb said...

Very nice! Those shoulders look rough tho. Sure makes me want to get on my bike!