Thursday, September 04, 2008

Banish those weather excuses!

The old saying goes, "There's no bad weather, just bad clothing."

So with that in mind, and looking down the road to the coming cold-weather season, I just put in a big order for windblocker winter gear. The idea is to hopefully bring down my lowest permissible cycling temperature this winter. In the past I haven't been willing to go out much below 30*F because when you're on the bike going at anything over 15 mph the wind really starts knifing in to any exposed flesh.

So I just ordered: Windblocker tights; windblocker cycling gloves; and a windblocker balaclava.

That should pretty much cover everything! I've got a variety of jackets in the closet to choose from, and footwarmers, so that should defend the other bits from frost. Let's see how low we can go now!! NO EXCUSES!!!

Why lose all that hard-earned cycling fitness just because it's a few degrees colder? (And don't suggest I get on the trainer - it drives me insane!) I'm hoping to bring my temperature limit down to about 15-20*F since it rarely gets colder than that around here. And most of the time any snow or ice on the roadside is cleared quite quickly.


MamaMaven said...

I admit it, I am a whimpy fair, warm weather cyclist! Hope your new clothes keep you toasty!

Nancy Toby said...

Hmmm, I'd call wimpiness a choice, not a character trait, right!??? :-)

MJ said...

I have found as long as my feet and hands aren't cold, I warm up pretty quickly and stay comfortable. I have Pearl Izumu booties and some big, honkin' gloves from Lake Cycling. I tried the lobster claw gloves but didn't care for those. Sounds like you made some great purchases!

LBTEPA said...

I have some legwarmers but those tights ousnd great too - nice of you to model them for us :P
Good luck with the hurricane!!

Fe-lady said...

Did I see those in Terry?
The thought crossed my mind to make a like purchase...but I really would be considered a wimp if I bought them living where I do...altho the desert DOES get's al relative!