Try this flying mount technique, as demonstrated coming out of T1 by awesome triathlete Steve Smith of Reston, Virginia:

If that's what it takes to get into the sub-two-minute range for T1, I have a feeling I'm never going to get there. I can hardly get my leg over the bottles in the rack behind my seat.
Holy crap! I think the only thing I do that fast is leave my workplace at the end of the day!
That ain't gonna be easy to master...I don't even want to practice it!
What if he didn't land on that seat...ouchhhhhhhhh!! Cool pic Nancy!
Or, what if he DID land on the seat at slightly the wrong angle! ouchhhhhhhh!
He probably sings soprano in the glee club. Nope, I think my T1 times are adequate, thank you very much.
Oh good lord! If I tried that I'd be laying in a smudge on the pavement, tire tracks criscrossing my back :)
I tried this when riding my bike in traffic. Don't do that, by the way. You'll wind up like I did in the middle of the street, your bike slowly rolling to a stop as you try to get your shoe to clip onto your pedal.
Ouch! If *that* is what it takes to have fast T1 transitions, count me out. I like my "boys" the way they are.
As long as he wasn't seriously injured, I would really like to see him flip right off of that thing. :)
Holy god!!!!!
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