I thought about it during my 5K yesterday. I love the concept of taking along a personal internal cheering section wherever you go. I think I should have my own personal mascot cheering for me from the sidelines! I guess it will have to be imaginary, but as long as it does the trick....
I see a lot of blogs and race reports that have a lot of negativity in them about people's own training and performances. "I'm slow.... my times are awful.... I did terrible...." etc. When it's coming from people that are racing in the middle or front of the pack, I sometimes wonder if they have a seriously damaged self-image, if they're disconnected from reality and really don't believe how well they're doing, or if they're just fishing for compliments. When it comes from people in the back of the pack like me, I wonder why they can't be proud of their own striving and accomplishments. I can almost hear Dr. Phil asking, "What are you getting out of it?"

Why not be positive? It's a deliberate choice that each one of us makes. It sure beats the alternative!
I recently started reading your blog and it's quickly become one of my favorites. I'm a 46 yo who has also recently begun triathlons (only I don't have any kids :). I'm preparing for my 2nd one and have set my sights on a 1/2 ironman (but not for a year or so). Anyway, this post is so true. I generally race at the back of the pack but think back to when I was 225 lbs and am so proud of myself I can't hold it in. Anyone who runs or races in any way should be so proud of themselves. Just think of all the people who can't......
Guilty as charged. I think it's often easier to see the negative than the positive. People have sadly come to expect the positive and only feel it's necessary to comment on the negative.
I'm my own worst critic, but I'll try and remember your sign the next time I'm feeling particularly harsh on myself. Thanks.
You are so right. Thanks for the kick in the ass!
Thanks so much runr53 for the link! I hadn't seen that - here's the blog address:
I love that commercial! Thanks for sharing and you are right. We are too hard on ourselves!
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