I checked on the girls about every twenty minutes and gave them drinks of water and squirted them every so often to stay cool, but they were getting a little cranky towards the end.
With about a mile to go I realized that Catherine had decided to take off one of her shoes somewhere along the way. Perhaps that was her way of getting a little revenge against Mom. It's a white sandal - perhaps I can spot it if I go drive our course later today. Maybe on the way to the swimming pool, after naptime. Then again, the shrieking and raucous giggling I'm hearing from the bedroom doesn't sound like napping is a big success either....
Your life is a circus...are you sure you don't live at my house? These happenings sound alot like what goes on at my place!
Don't you love it!
Good luck finding the shoe...I'll keep my eye out tonight on my run!
I don't have any kids (which is a good thing thus far!) but I always think it's so cool when I see athletic parents pushing their kids around in those jogging strollers! What a great role model you're being for them when their minds are like sponges!
How do you have time to spend on the computer..wait...how do I have time to spend on the computer..LOL
Good on you, five miles in that sort of heat! You have my admiration! Good luck with finding that shoe.
Can't believe she ditched the shoe on you. I hope you find. The dedication you show in jogging with the kid carrier/stroller thing is amazing. It really makes me feel like a lazy bastard.
Kudos to you for training like this. I always liked taking mine to the track where they played on the infield while I ran. Usually got in a mile before one wanted a piggy back ride aaaggghhh. :) Oh yea, and they are the only kids in the neighborhood whose mom made them do "sledding" training, aka hill work out :) shoes are overrated by the way :)
heh. I once had to backtrack about two miles to find a little plastic dinosaur that had "jumped" out of the bike trailer. Losing a shoe would have been much less traumatic for him (and me). WTG on the 5 miles -- a 5K is about my limit pushing those things.
You go girl!! Kudos to you!! I can identify and my life is very similar, although rather than concentrating on running, I am skittering around from sport to sport. I run but I'm not a runner, I climb but I'm not a climber, I bike but I'm not a biker....
You may want to check out my blog, we can compare notes: www.cavecrawl.blogspot.com. I have two kids, ages 3 and 6, both little girls.
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