Nancy Toby: Run Big!
~ The unlikely saga of a middle-aged mom of twin second-graders and an Athena triathlete ~
Monday, December 29, 2014
Sunday, August 19, 2012
2 triathlons
Dragonfly Heart Triathlon
Race Date: Saturday July 21, 2012
Description: 1/4 Mile Swim~12 Mile Bike~2.5 Mile Run
Chestertown, MD
Nancy Toby
Saint Michaels, MD
Finish Time: 1:36:57
Overall Placement: 102 / 109
Division: F55-59 3/4
Bib Number: 208
Split Detail
Split Distance Time Rank Pace
Swim 1/4 Mile 0:15:21 82 3:29/100 yards (off course)
T1 0:02:24 87
Bike 12 Miles 0:48:26 100 14.86 mph
T2 0:02:55 107
Run 2.5 Miles 0:27:49 100 11:08 min/mi pace
Lums Pond Triathlon
Race Date: Sunday August 19, 2012
Description: Tri: 0.5 Mile Swim~19.5 Mile Bike~3.3 Mile Run
Race Category: Sprint Triathlon
Swim 400 m = 440 yd
Bike 20k = 12.4 miles
Run 5k = 3.1 miles
Monday, March 19, 2012
2012 half marathon series
- February 26, 2012: Princess Half Marathon (#44), Walt Disney World, FL: 3:43:59 (17:05 min/mile pace)
- March 17, 2012: Rock 'n' Roll USA Half Marathon (#45), Washington, DC: 2:57:32 (13:33 min/mile pace)
(April 1, 2012: Cherry Pit Ten Miler, Edgewater, MD: 2:07:48, 12:46 min/mile pace). - April 14, 2012: Cambridge YMCA Crab Run Half Marathon (#46), Cambridge, MD: 2:56:28 (13:28 min/mile pace)
- April 29, 2012: Athleta Iron Girl Half Marathon (#47), Columbia, MD: 3:05:52 (14:11 min/mile pace)
- May 19, 2012: St. Michaels Half Marathon (#48), St. Michaels, MD: 3:03:56 (14:01 min/mile pace)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
First 5k of 2012
Just for the logbook, finish time on my Garmin was 36:38 for a slightly long course, my 11:33 pace would have gotten me 35:48 on a 3.10-mile course.
Saw Jeanne and we were laughing about both kicking ourselves for signing up for the Disney 5k before the Princess half marathon in 2 weeks!!
So I was slower and fatigued faster than I wanted, but NO MAJOR PAIN and knees and ankles cooperated, so all is well. Another finish line crossed!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
2011 Goofy Challenge completed!
Half marathon chip time: 3:32:07
20773/21953 overall, 11507/12403 women, 815/916 AG
Full marathon chip time: 6:46:17
12696/13522 overall, 5715/6267 women, 379/427 AG
Total: 10:08:24
16:00 slower than 5 years ago, but I’ll take it, I was surprised to finish!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Rehoboth Marathon December 11, 2010

Thursday, December 09, 2010
Goofy approacheth
Yes, I’m going back to Walt Disney World in 2011 for the Goofy Challenge once again with my friend Jeanne and training buddy Dave.
Half marathon January 8, 2011 bibs: Nancy: 30773 & Jeanne: 46138
Marathon January 9, 2011 bibs: Nancy: 14335 & jeanne: 16474
Runner tracker information should be posted on the Disney Marathon race website shortly before race day. I’d expect to be crossing the starting line mats at about 6:00 AM EST each day.
My only goal is to beat my 2006 times:
2006 Half marathon FINISH Chip Time: 3:14:35
2006 Marathon FINISH Chip time 6:37:49
2006 Total: 9:52:24
This Saturday is a training marathon in Rehoboth, Delaware. I’ll be happy with a strong finish, as opposed to the debacle of the Philadelphia Marathon-turned-half a few weeks ago that I couldn’t even bring myself to write about!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Racing schedule
I was keeping my race schedule on Facebook for a while and neglected to keep it here. But then that service was de-linked to Facebook so now it’s in limbo. Copying it here for now:
2010-05-29 Chestertown Ten Miler 2:01:15
2010-06-20 Dawson's 10k (A/S) 1:15:20
2010-06-27 Chestertown Dragonfly Sprint Tri 2:01:56
2010-08-01 Dog Days 8k (A/S) 1:00:00
2010-08-29 Annapolis Ten Miler 2:09:30
2010-10-23 St. Michaels Sports Boosters 5k (3.2m) 32:10
2010-11-21 Philadelphia Half Marathon (#43) 3:08:35
2010-12-11 Rehoboth Marathon (#11), DE in 12 days
2011-01-08 Goofy Challenge Half Marathon @ WDW (#44HM?) in 40 days
2011-01-09 Goofy Challenge Marathon @ WDW (#11) in 41 days
2011-03-26 National (Half?) Marathon (#45), Washington DC in 117 days
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Chestertown Dragonfly Sprint Triathlon
T1: 3:57.65
Bike 17.1 miles: 58:52.55 (17.4 mph average)
T2: 1:58.80
Run 3.1 miles: 36:53.15 (11:53 min/mile pace)
Total: 2:01:26.65
2/2 Athenas (all ages)
Water temp was 84 degrees, ambient temp was 94 degrees, humidity was 47%.
So my transitions were pretty sluggish for a sprint, but my paces during each leg were about what I expected or better. Between the bike and run only one person passed me, and I passed a bunch on the bike.
That was indeed fun, glad to have a triathlon where I can sleep in my own bed and also be finished on course by 10:30AM! All through each leg I was thinking how nice it was to have the shorter distances!!
Definitely a nice race - lovely swim! - and one I'll do again!
Back of the mid-pack - I'll take it, considering I had virtually zero swim or bike training since November! Now maybe I should start working on those sprint tri skills, eh?
Friday, June 04, 2010
Chestertown Ten Miler

There was light rain at the start which dissipated about halfway through the run. The race itself was along small rural roads through the countryside - after the simultaneous 5k split off at their turnaround it was a lovely quiet run.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Goofy again

Sunday, April 25, 2010
2010 Oxford Day 10k
Sunday, April 11, 2010
2010 Cherry Pit 10-miler
373 Nancy Toby 52 23/24 F 2:01:08 12:07
Sunday, March 07, 2010
RR: 2010 B&A Half Marathon
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Did Facebook kill the blog?
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Best Sports Endurance Blog of 2009?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Coming up
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Mission accomplished 5:23am
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
B2B Half Ironman race report
I had a fabulous weekend spending time with friends in Wilmington, NC, and sharing time with them and marveling at their fabulous performances (particularly Iron Holly's first Ironman finish and Training Buddy Dave's massive 12:57 iron PR and Shawn's first half iron finish) was the real highlight of the weekend. I'll only tell my own race story here for brevity, and let them tell their own stories - and just put this one in writing so that I can refer to it in the future.
Setup: Most of the day before was spent on getting ready for the race - a practice swim, checking out the two swim start areas, attending the expo, racking bikes, etc. Very time-consuming, difficult logistics for this particular race without any sherpas along.
Summary: Post-race I'm ambivalent about my performance - it was originally supposed to be the full iron distance, but fortunately (much to my relief) I was able to drop down to the half Ironman since my training wasn't going well. The swim and the first half of the bike were fantastic, but I lost a lot of steam on the second half of the bike and never found my stride during the run.
SWIM 1.2 miles
We were concerned about the cold water temps but that turned out NOT to be a factor with a long-sleeved wetsuit. Got up too early - about 4:00 AM for an 8:50 race start - so that took a little energy out of me to start.
The swim was fantastically current-aided and as soon as we started this weak swimmer felt like Dara Freaking Torres. I felt amazingly comfortable the entire way. I'd sight for a buoy 200 yards away, put my head down and in a few strokes I was there and sighting for the next. Local resident Ron Steve had given superb advice and I stayed completely out of the fray and in the center of the channel in the strongest current. Sighted on the tall building at the exit, I climbed up the ladder with some assistance, stopped my watch, and trotted toward transition.
Watch time at water exit: 32:56* (1:33/100 yards) (faster time than my Olympic swim PR!)
Chip swim time (after showering and ~100 yard run): 34:25* (136/163 women)

I trotted the whole way through this very long transition - kind of fun at the time going between two rows of applauding fans like I was in the Tour de France! The T1 bags were located by the bikes and NOT by the changing tents for the half Ironman triathletes, so it didn't really work for us unless we wanted to add considerable distance and effort on our transition. And I didn't. So I pulled on bike shorts over my thin wet running shorts (and got considerable chafing from later, unfortunately). Had to take a little extra time to stuff wetsuits into the bag, too, and a very long trot out on bike cleats to the exit.
Watch T1: 10:11 (swim exit to bike exit)
Calc T1: 8:42 (estimated from timing mat to timing mat)
BIKE 56 miles
Once we got through some tricky roads exiting T1 and through town (lots of cars going in and out of business entrances at unmonitored intersections) we got out onto nice flat roads. A 12-mile section down the Interstate was delightful - fast and easy (speed often well into the 20s) on smooth straight concrete. Then off on a 4-lane highway. Turning off of that onto a rural road I took a wrong turn when the volunteers didn't direct us, but they yelled at me and I stopped and turned around. By that time I was getting chafed and achy and irritable. Down some rural roads for an out-and-back, and then a very long sluggish stretch straight into the wind on the homeward leg. That was slow, particularly on the final two huge bridges going into transition.
My hydration and electrolyte intake was pretty normal for training rides - 3 to 4 bottles with Motor Tabs, 2 Poptarts, a bag of margarita Clif Bloks, and a couple electrolyte capsules. I overdressed a bit with a windbreaker jacket, which I ended up tying around my waist the 2nd half of the bike. Should have just worn armwarmers with my tri-top.
Chip bike + T1: 3:36:24 (122/160)
Calc bike: 3:28:42
Odometer average speed: 16.1 mph
Calc average speed: 16.1 mph
Fairly uneventful. My rack spot was all the way at the end of transition so I had my 2nd long run with bike cleats on. The transition bags were at the rack spot in loose dirt and gravel, and the changing tents were back about 100 yards, so it made no sense to go back to use them. Quickly put on a dry clean shirt and stuffed my bike gear in the bag. I forgot to take off my bike shorts and had to take them off outside of transition and throw them over the fence.
T2 Chip time 4:54 (114/157)
RUN 13.1 miles
Coming out of T2 I was 9:11 into a PR (compared to Eagleman 2007). But that all went away extremely quickly. My first 3 miles up and over the huge bridges were shuffling and slow, and I never was able to pick up my stride. Then at Mile 4 suddenly my left quad locked up quickly enough to make me stumble, so I quickly switched to Damage Control Mode and took some more electrolytes. My muscles remained twitchy and uncomfortable-to-painful for the rest of the run, so I just hung on and completed it the best way I knew how, alternating running and walking, grazing on grapes and oranges and getting Coke at the frequent aid stations. I think this was my 40th half marathon run in a race. It's always a great thing to see friendly familiar faces out on the course, and with the full Ironman going on at the same time I had lots of fun opportunities to greet friends on the way back to the finish.
Run: Chip time 3:17:54 (148/156)
My 5th half Ironman, 2nd fastest (for events with a full swim)
Finish: 7:33:36
13/16 women 50-54 who finished swim, 13/15 finishers
142/163 women who finished swim
Fun day. But I can do better. Onward.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Beach 2 Battleship half iron triathlon: times
SWIM 1.2 miles (PR! that doesn't really count*)
Watch time at water exit: 32:56* (1:33/100 yards)
Chip swim time (after showering and ~100 yard run): 34:25* (136/163)
*incredibly current-assisted
Watch t1: 10:11 (swim exit to bike exit)
Calc t1: 8:42 (estimated from timing mat to timing mat)
BIKE 56 miles
Chip bike + t1: 3:36:24 (122/160)
Calc bike: 3:28:42
Odometer average speed: 16.1 mph
Calc average speed: 16.1 mph
T2: Chip time 4:54 (114/157)
RUN 13.1 miles
Run: Chip time 3:17:54 (148/156)
Finish: 7:33:36
13/16 women 50-54 who finished swim, 13/15 finishers
142/163 women who finished swim
Aside: I think this was my 40th half marathon race run, but my count is a little fuzzy.