Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's done

Well, it was something like two years this time, but (following Linae's and Jeanne's good examples but unfortunately without having the ten inches of undamaged hair to send to Locks of Love) I just got about 8 inches cut off my hair so now it will take fewer than 2 hours to dry after a swim. Hurrah!

Freedom! No more ugly ponytail for a while, now it's short and layered. The stylist kindly reminded me that they do coloring too. Uh, yeah, I KNOW IT HAS GRAY ROOTS.

Actually the stylist was very nice - she has a son in Catherine and Elisabeth's class! Catherine got her hair trimmed too and was as good as gold. I cut Elisabeth's hair because she turns into a screaming banshee for it - and it doesn't have to be so perfectly even with her curly top.

Yeah, photos some day when I have a good one to post.


Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Hey, take it from Short can be, well, IS, sexy and fun!!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I meant to say, take it from ME!

jeanne said...

yes we need photos!

you forgot the * * before the "other" jeanne...but funnily enough, your post is still accurate since just today I got my hair chopped off (and even got it colored, and i could have bought a small car for what that cost, back to the $4.98 do-it-yourself kits from the drugstore)...

MY photos to come....

Born To Endure said...

Yes where are the photos...

Rainmaker said...

Photos = Proof. At this point you may have gotten a buzz cut...who knows!